1. Choose your product
After clicking on a specific item, select "Select product", here you can choose the color, size, number of pieces, packaging or choose whether you want to buy only a sample ( up to 4 pcs ) and add the item to the cart by clicking on "Add to cart."
2. Shopping cart
To go to the shopping cart, please click on the "Shopping Cart" icon.
To continue your purchase, please click "Back to Shopping. "At any stage of your purchase, you can navigate to the shopping cart by clicking on the shopping cart symbol at the top right of the e-shop page.
You can adjust the number of items in your basket using the up and down arrows, or remove items from your basket using the cross on the right.
Select "Continue" as the next step.
3. Contact details
In the second step of the shopping cart, please fill in your contact details, choose a shipping method and a payment choice that suits you.
Once you have made your selection, click "Continue Order."
4. Order Summary
In this step, please review your entire purchase and check the box "Agree to Terms and Conditions."
Next, place your order using the green "Confirm Order" button.
You can also order by email sales@kapatex.cz or by call to your sales representative.